Hinoki Cup Roadshow / Japanese Jobs 101
Michigan School Tour to “Reignite” Japanese Studies!
Ikigai Connections partnered with the Hinoki Foundation, GEN-J Michigan, Michigan-Shiga Sister State Program, Kids Explore Japan, and Accurate Japanese Language Services to promote the benefits of learning another language. From October 2019 through April 2020, we reached 1,100 middle/high school and college/university students in 23 Michigan K-16 schools. Read about the journey in this article from Asia Matters for America (Nov. 16, 2020)
WHAT: Bilingual business professionals visiting K-16 Japanese classrooms
WHO: Representatives from the Hinoki Foundation and Ikigai Connections
WHEN: October 2019 – April 2020 (completed)
HOW: Schools can schedule a free appointment at their convenience (first come, first served!)
WHY: To inform students, families, and other stakeholders about the career & other opportunities available to speakers of Japanese and English!
Presenters will:
- highlight the importance of learning Japanese
- let students experience the Hinoki Cup bilingual quiz game (for grades K-12), and
- emphasize the continuing demand for speakers of Japanese & English at global companies (including 500+ Japanese companies in Michigan!)
Click HERE for the K-12 presentation, and HERE for the college version.
Where the Roadshow traveled:
October 10: FLICS (Foreign Language Immersion & Cultural Studies School) – Detroit MI
October 14: Garden City High School – Garden City MI
October 29: Sexton High School – Lansing MI
October 29: Lansing Community College – Lansing MI
November 7: Clarkston HS, Sashabaw MS, Clarkston Jr. HS – Clarkston MI
November 14: Everett High School – Lansing MI
December 3: Utica Academy for International Studies – Utica MI
December 5: Monroe ISD – Monroe MI
December 10: Athens HS and Troy HS – Troy MI
January 9: Garden City Middle School – Garden City MI
January 23: University of Michigan – Ann Arbor MI
February 17: Oakland University – Auburn Hills MI
February 24: Groves High School – Birmingham MI
March 31: University of Michigan Flint – Flint MI
April 1: Eastern Michigan University – Ypsilanti, MI

Do you know…
… how many Japanese language schools, programs, Meetups, activities, and related events there are in Michigan? Check out this amazing resource compiled by the Hinoki Foundation here!