The Japanese Language Proficiency Test has been cancelled in the USA for 2020. (Source: American Association of Teachers of Japanese.) According to the official JLPT website, the July date in Japan was cancelled in May, and the December date still shows available. You can check your country’s status from the list here:
I know that this cancellation (or potential cancellation for other countries) has many people frustrated. For us in the USA, the test is only administered in December, and for it to be canceled means that our plans have to be postponed for an entire year. It’s as if we are putting our lives on hold. The pandemic has officially affected schools, careers, the JET Program, travel – and now the JLPT. Sigh…
Let’s Make Lemonade!
As the saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
What can we possibly do to make light of this situation??

5 Pieces of Advice
- Take a deep breath. This is outside of our control now, so any worries, concerns, or stress about this situation need to stop – NOW. Try and change your way of thinking so it serves you, even a little bit.
- Change your perspective to “Yay – extra time to study!” The entire world is practically on pause, so why not take this opportunity to study some more?
- Dig into the many resources and practice tests. I wrote about the many free and paid options in this blog post:
- Decide to aim higher. For the people on the fence about what level of test to take: why not aim for the more difficult one? You now have the time to study, so GO FOR IT!
- Take the Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT)! As I mentioned in my other posts, this is actually my favorite test. (It’s strange to say I have a favorite test, but yes, I do, LOL.) Although the website is a little confusing, the BJT is currently administered by a company called Pearson, and you can take the test on any day you want. Locations are limited, though – in the US, we only have NY, Chicago and LA. As of this date (July 23, 2020), they are still accepting applications to take the test as long as you practice social distancing, wear masks, and understand that seating is more limited. Check out a short practice test, sample questions and other resources here:
In Conclusion
Don’t let this stop you in deepening your learning for nihongo, and don’t let this make you give up your dream of getting your Japanese job!
What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions? Comment below or on social media!
Don’t forget to check out my other JLPT-related blogs!
Preparing For The JLPT: Do You Need It For A Job In Japan?
The JLPT: Do You Need It For A Job? (US version)
Stop Interviewing & Hiring Based Solely On the JLPT
Illustrations by Jordyn Karpinski – Photo by Visuals on